As much as it is important to maintain health on a daily basis it's much more important to ensure good health while travelling too. With the world hitting with a major corona virus pandemic, it's now more than ever important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This pandemic has sent shock waves and wreaked havoc across the world.

As much as it is important to maintain health on a daily basis it's much more important to ensure good health while travelling too. With the world hitting with a major corona virus pandemic, it's now more than ever important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This pandemic has sent shock waves and wreaked havoc across the world.
Here are some tips on how you can take care of your health while travelling post corona virus:

Pack a first-aid kit with basic medicines, cottons, antibiotic ointment, disinfectant, and other medicines according to your health condition. Also pack sanitizers, tissues, gloves, facemask travelling post the corona virus. For women, always carry a sanitary pad or tampons handy.
Carry sunscreen, lotion, moisturizer and wet wipes to help your skin remain clean through the trip.
Make sure to get enough sleep. You may be dealing with jet lag, but one effective way to acclimate to a different time zone is to take a walk in daylight. A short daytime nap also helps.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. This simple tip helps with everything from dehydration to constipation to overcoming jet lag.

Remember to do exercise that includes basic stretching, Yoga and breathing exercises.
Make sure to eat well, have a balanced diet. Along with consuming local foods also intake a lot of salad as it's easily available and good for health . Also pack something handy always.

Most importantly, be HAPPY and calm; Its the only way you can enjoy your trip.
Travelling without stress but with necessary precautions is the new way now.
Happy and safe traveling.!