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  • Writer's pictureThe Flapper Life

The Europe you don’t know!

What is the first thing that comes up in our head when we hear EUROPE! For some it maybe the city of Paris or London. For others it will be Rome and Spain. Travelers going to Europe for a month-long vacation most certainly want to finish only the famous 20 places in the length and breadth of the continent.

According to The Flapper Life – Take the road less taken! The hidden gems of Europe will definitely either make you want to take a Europe trip or regret not visiting these places while in the vicinity.

‘Scandinavian Countries are a combination of wilderness with glaciers in the north, forests, and lakes that are extremely attractive and very clean. Every traveler must visit this place once in his lifetime.

The hidden places that we taking about happens to be, ‘ Scandinavian Peninsula’ that consist of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Ireland. Together these places work as a cultural co-operation. These countries are known for their development, facilities and democratic first hand.

Talking about the countries that a part of these are:

  1. Norway

Jaw Droppingly beautiful, it is the best place to witness whales. How many times have you walked on a glacier? Well, Norway gives you that exposure. The lights, the cold, the sky makes Norway, an absolute surprise and dream liver.

  1. Denmark

Best known for being a cyclist paradise, Denmark overwhelms you with its roaring fire of warmth and oneness. Home to Vikings, Denmark is one of the safest countries in Europe. It has the best flea markets in the world. Copenhagen is a famous tourist city as it covers your travel as well as your leisure.

  1. Sweden

Sweden says, ‘ Right to Roam’ and rightly so. To pass through the artic wilderness, mystic moonlight, pristine forests and snowy mountain scape. Only Sweden can give you an experience like that. For dog lovers, huskies are waiting for you and the northern lights will leave you enchanted.

  1. Finland

Fine as Finland sounds, surrounded by the Baltic sea, Finland is called the happiest place in the world. It also happens to be the cleanest  and the most environmentally friendly place on the planet and we cannot find more reasons to love Finland.

  1. Ireland

Irish people are the friendliest of Europe folks. Known to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, Ireland offers a lot of knowledge to travelers in respect to sustainable and mindful travel. Ireland is a paradise for music lovers. Ireland will consume you in its beauty.

You need to visit the Scandinavian Countries to feel content as a traveler. So, when is your trip with  The Flapper Life?

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