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Travel trends in 2021.

There is a lot of travel catching up to do. As 2020 has left our travel gallery empty, in 2021, we certainly have a lot of catching up to do. With the vaccination rolling in various states, maintaining travel bubble, keeping safe and hygienic, social distancing, it is time, we start coming out of our safety cocoon.

This year is a year of possibilities and moving forward. One of the ways to do so is by Traveling.

Here are some of the trends that are going to rule travel in 2021.

1. Solo Travel

Though solo travel is not new, the pandemic made it a preferred choice for many. According to many travellers, going solo is a wise decision as it reduces the odds of getting infected, and also gives the freedom to make their own itinerary.

2. Road trips.

One of the first things to shut down was the flight services. This made people opt for road transport especially car services to head out to various destinations. It is likely that this trend will continue too, as travellers will continue to choose road trips overflights. It's perfect for travellers of all ages.

3. Conscious and Sustainable travel

During the entire lockdown phase, we have understood the importance of spending quality time with our families. Coming to sustainability, we know the importance of conservation of the world they are living in. It is time, we promote immersive travel via sustainability.

4. Weekend getaways

Now that companies are allowing Work From Home to most employees until June 2021 with a 5 day work week, weekend getaways are sure to be in demand with exploring the hidden gems near your city. A weekend getaway acts as a perfect detox time from the heavy work week. You don’t need much planning to do a weekend getaway. Through the week, you can decide on your destination while working breaks.

5. Domestic Travel

Due to travel restrictions, foreign countries are out of reach. This has made us realise that they are so much to explore at home. This is the time to explore the hidden gems, the lesser-known places and places that infuse nature and adventure. This is the time to visit all those remote destinations you have only heard or read about.

6. Workcation

As we all shifted our work online in 2020, it became a lot clearer that, going forward, a lot of businesses might shift towards working from home. When you have the luxury to work from home, why not work from anywhere else but home. Workation is what the word literally means – work+vacation. Several companies have come up with brilliant travel plans for their employees, making it a teamwork getaway.

Take the first step towards travel today and try each trend now.

Image courtesy: Google Images.

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